Shop Spotlight! Reverie Yarn, Decor & Gifts
Goshen had a knit shop which the owners decided to close. One of those partners hated the thought of the town not having a yarn shop and found new partners who agreed that indeed, Goshen had to have a place for local fiber artists to shop and socialize. Reverie is a store where creativity and inspiration co-exists. There are seven women partners who make this dream work. They added upscale gifts and accessories which their customers love. The store has quickly become a shopping destination and is the only yarn shop in about a 50 mile radius. Besides serving the town and neighboring areas, Reverie also attracts customers from larger cities like the South Bend and Fort Wayne areas. Half of the staff consists of the “yarnies” and the others select the gifts. The talented knitting staff offer classes for knitters, crocheters, spinners, and weavers. They host an Open Knit Night once a month which they refer to as “social knitworking”. The partners and staff love getting to know customers through their many special events. Yarn and yoga along their millrace, felting, dyeing class, wine and yarn at a local winery, Small Shop Saturday in November, Make It – Take it (small gifts) in December, and Spin Her Free in January, a day of spinning to recognize awareness of sexual and human trafficking. Probably the biggest event each year is February Funday! This is an all-day knitting, crocheting learning event. Participants receive gift bags with goodies supplied by many vendors with prizes, food and giveaways. The event is limited to 15 people who must register and pay a fee to join in on the fun. At Reverie the owners try to highlight already well-known yarn lines but try to include indie hand dyes and locally produced yarns as well. “Sometimes, however, we do make mistakes and thus have a perpetual sale room! We learned that our customers are not into glittery or angora type yarns. “Our inventory focus is on vendors we can trust. That is why Crystal Palace is an integral part of Reverie. It is a name our customers are familiar with, they offer a quality product, and customer service is top notch!” Visit Reverie in Goshen or online. It will be well worth the trip! Reverie Yarn, Décor & Gifts
201 S Main St
Goshen IN 46526
(574) 971-5129